Brides in Bondage

Brides in Bondage

2011-07-18 19:34 | Comments: 5

Wedding dresses you have probably never seen presented like that — A captivating bondage (fashion) show by Brazilian designer Samuel Cirnansck at the São Paulo Fashion Week 2011.

Photo credit: Agência Fotosite | Marcelo Soubhia

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Hi, Brazilian designer Samuel Cirnansck knows the ropes of a captivating fashion show, literally.

The show was comprised of semi-transparent latex, satin and tulle wedding dresses with an extra amount of erotic lace. But the really shocking exciting part was that some models had their arms tied at the back, some were gagged, and some both bound and gagged.

Is it only a kink or has the show some deeper meaning? I have thought about it, and into my mind came this "exclusivity thing" – being bound to one partner – which can be both captivating and romantic. I think, I still believe in it (assuming it is possible to find the right partner), but there are also other concepts which might work better, or not.

There is social exclusivity (living together with exactly one partner, some call it marriage), sexual exclusivity (quite obvious. According to Wikipedia 12–26% of married women and 15–43% of married men in the U.S. are unfaithful though, or optimistically read: more than 50% are faithful) and genetic exclusivity (having babies with the same partner only).

If you want to learn more about the exclusivity thing, I found the monogamy article on Wikipedia quite interesting and also the speculation of an evolutionary/cultural advantage when investing all the energy and resources into one relationship (at a time) and a fewer number of babies.

But now back to our exclusive wedding fashion:

Defilée Samuel Cirnansck São Paulo Fashion Week

Video credit: FFW

Photo credit: Agência Fotosite | Marcelo Soubhia

Samuel Cirnansck Semi-transparent Latex

Semi-transparent latex

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Samuel Cirnansck Brides in Bondage

Samuel Cirnansck Wedding Dress Bride Bound

Gagged, bound and veiled wedding dress

Samuel Cirnansck Wedding Dress Bride Gagged

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Comments ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Very nice. I really love the last picture :)

Well, wonderful, superb, brilliant wedding dresses! I really love most of them! But the bondage idea, I don't know, it's somehow 'machista' and I don't like it too much... it's a little embarrassing for the females and should remain "the little big secret" of the BDSM couples, should stay in the bedroom :)

I absolutely love the wedding dresses. An will be looking into getting one for my big day. They are amazing

grazia rossi on 2012-06-01 08:44


may i be a model for you??

i'm joking, of course!!

very beautiful dresses and situations!!

Richard on 2014-01-26 18:19

A touch of class in styles and imagination. An exciting runway show.

Well done.

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